
Keyword targeting


What is the purpose of having a keyword targeted campaign?

It is of common use to commercialize advertising spaces in high traffic sites such as search engines and news sites. All these sites ha ve dynamic contents, i.e., they are generated from a database. By combining these with e-planning's keyword targeting, the content of the page and the ads can be matched.


A simple example is a search engine like Google or Yahoo. A campaign can be created to be shown when the user enters some specific words in the search box. The campaign can be targeted for one or more words, e.g. car, cars, automobiles. When a user enters any of these words, an ad from the automobile industry will be shown.

News site is a more complicated example. Let's take the case of a site that uses e-planning as an ad-server which always has two main news items in the home page and a 200x80 ad below. An advertiser may buy a campaign that will be shown in any of the spaces whenever the headlines contain certain words. E.g. A bank may buy these spaces when any of the news items have the words dollar or euro. In this way, multiple possibilities of integration of the content and advertising are available. In this document we analyze the example of a search engine but the explanation applies to the second case as well.



With e-planning you can target by keyword in an advanced or simple way. Here is an example to understand it better: the search engine is a simple way of targeting, it has a search box where the user enters one or more words. However, some search engines have an advance search, with more boxes to complete. In general, you can search by language and country of origin. With e-planning you may create a campaign which only shows when users have searched for specific words and, besides, have selected a language or a specific country. For example, the campaign could be targeted for users who search train, railway and tickets in pages in Colombia. If the user searched for train but in pages in Spain, the campaign wouldn't show.

Keywords are defined in a new page. To access to it you must click on Campaigns and then on Keyword. When adding a new keyword you must type the name, parameter name, and type. The name is for you to identify it. The parameter name is the way to pass the keyword value to e-planning inside the space code. The type of keyword can be:

  1. Integer
  2. Decimal number
  3. Text. If you choose this option when creating or editing the campaign you must indicate the words according to which the campaign will be targeted.<
  4. Option list. This option is used when we already know the values according to which a campaign can be targeted. (e.g. masculine, feminine in case of gender). The selection will be easier when creating or editing a campaign.
  5. Data table. his option is recommended when there are too many values to enter and/or to simplify the delivery of values to the web master.


  1. Example 1
    • Name: Country of origin
    • Parameter name: country
    • Type: Text

  2. Example 2
    • Name: Sex
    • Parameter name: sex
    • Type: Option List

Creation of the campaign

To create a targeted by keyword campaign you must create a campaign as usual and then select more options. After that you have to activate the Keyword targeting option and a list of keywords will appear. In case you want to include a new word, you must do it from the keyword link situated on the top outside the campaign screen.

Each keyword which has already been defined will appear with a check box to mark in order to target by that word.

In the boxes on the right you must type the values according to which the campaign will be targeted.


For the advanced search case, you should enter the following:

text: Train, tickets, railway
country: Colombia

In the first case, the campaign will be shown to any user who looked for the specified words (train, tickets, railway). In the second, it will be shown to users who looked for these words and had also chosen Colombia on the search form.

The keyword targeting can be combined with any kind of targeting available in e-planning. E.g., a campaign may be created for users who look for any of the words train, tickets or railway and who use Opera as a browser as well.

Tag adaptation

The tags from your result pages must be adapted so that e-planning receives the information of which keywords were typed by users. In the parameters of each tag, the names and values of the keywords involved in that page must be typed. This can be done only by using a scripting language (ASP, PHP and others) and it is not possible to do so if the page where the tag is included is static (HTML without programming).In order to send e-planning the information of the keywords you have to add the parameter to each tag.


You have to add more than one parameter if there are more keywords involved, as in the previous case: text, language and country. Parameters are separated by the & symbol.

This is an e-planning Javascript tag that doesn't have any keyword information:

<!-- e-planning v3 - Start of tag Testing - Test Banner -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1">
var rnd = (new String(Math.random())).substring(2,8) + (((new Date()).getTime()) & 262143);
document.write('<scri' + 'pt language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript" src="' + rnd + '"></scr' + 'ipt>');
// -->
href="$random" target="_top"><img alt=" ad" src="$random" border=0></a></noscript>
<!-- e-planning v3 - End of tag Testing - Test Banner-->

Below, the same tag is presented, but with the keyword information (this is an example for the ASP language).

<!-- e-planning v3 - Start of tag Testing - Test Banner -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1">
var rnd = (new String(Math.random())).substring(2,8) + (((new Date()).getTime()) & 262143);
document.write('<scri' + 'pt language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript" src="' + rnd + '&kw_text=<%= request(“text”) %>&kw_country=<%= request(“country”) %>"></scr' + 'ipt>');
// -->
href="$random" target="_top"><img alt=" ad" src="$random&kw_text=<%= request(“text”) %>&kw_country=<%= request(“pais”) %>" border=0></a></noscript>
<!-- e-planning v3 - End of tag Testing - Test Banner-->

As you can see, the changes are simple. In other programming languages, the procedure is similar, except for the syntax to access to the parameters. If you have any doubt of how to implement it, don't hesitate to get in touch and we will help you.


In case you need to send more than one value per keyword, these should be separated by | (pipes). The code must be encoded, i.e. with %7c among the values.

Example of an executed code:

<!-- e-planning v3 - Start of tag Testing - Test Banner -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1">
var rnd = (new String(Math.random())).substring(2,8) + (((new Date()).getTime()) & 262143);
document.write('<scri' + 'pt language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript" src="' + rnd + '&kw_text=Train%7crailway&kw_country=peru%7cfrancia"></scr' + 'ipt>');
// -->
href="$random" target="_top"><img alt=" ad" src="$random&kw_text=Train%7crailway&kw_country=peru%7cfrancia" border=0></a></noscript>
<!-- e-planning v3 - End of tag Testing - Test Banner-->

Once the tags have been modified, no more changes must be made. From then on e-planning will receive the information of the keywords typed by users and campaigns targeted by keywords can be created.

If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to contact us.


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