
Flash Expandable implementation

This document contains instructions for the expandable banner implementation, not only those that push the content of the page, but also those that expand over it. It is important to take into consideration that the banners must be published in Flash to obtain the file.swf in version 6 o 7. We recommend not to use the function gotoAndPlay. Instead of it, you can use nextFrame() and prevFrame(). Examples of fla and swf extensions for each case are attached.

A. Expandable that pushes the content

The format expandable that pushes the content must be done in the following way:

Example of file to download: fla - swf

The implementation in the e-planning interface must be done in the following way:

  1. Click in "add ad"
  2. Choose "banner flash" type
  3. Write the information asked
  4. Click on "Edit ad attributes"
  5. Choose on Display effect "Push content"
  6. Indicate the size of the unexpanded ad

B. Expandable over the content

This expandable format must be done in the following way:

File example to download: fla - swf

The implementation in the e-planning interface must be done in the following way:

  1. Click on "add ad"
  2. Choose "banner flash" type
  3. Write the asked information
  4. Click on "Edit ad attributes"
  5. Choose on Display effect "Rollover"
  6. Indicate size of the unexpanded ad


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